Lirik Lagu IL SOGNO - Isyana Sarasvati

Evo Kusnady
Foto: Capture Youtube Lagu IL SOGNO - Isyana Sarasvati/Evo Kusnady.

JAMBI, - Berikut Lirik Lagu IL SOGNO - Isyana Sarasvati.

Question every second when I'm dreaming
I feel it alive
Il sogno

Climbing to the top of Himalaya
I need to survive

All of the scenes they keep on playing
Running around in never ending motion
Is it a sign of what is coming
Either a gift or a burden

Question every second when I'm dreaming
I feel it alive

Blinded by a mist under the moonlight
My vision revives
Il sogno

Il sogno sembra di essere sempre vivo


Il sogno sembra di essere sempre vivo


Editor : Monas Junior

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